Pennyhill Timber offers a range of pressure treated brown landscape railway sleepers.
Our brown softwood landscape sleepers have been treated with an environmentally friendly preservative treatment called Tanatone, to prevent rot and ensure they last. Tanatone is a coloured additive mixed with tanalith E which changes the colour from green to brown.
Landscape railway sleepers are an extremely popular landscaping product and can be used to create beautiful features in your garden. They are cost effective, easy to handle and very attractive in your garden.
Uses for our Brown Landscape Railway Sleepers:
With over 20 years of experience in sourcing and creating timber products, it's our dedication to customer service, as well as the quality of our products that has allowed us to build a leading service. As we're based in Surrey, we are able to provide fast timber sleeper delivery to all customers throughout South East England – whether you reside in London or Hampshire, Berkshire or Kent; we have all of your timber needs sorted.
So please feel free to browse around our selection of landscape sleepers. If you have any questions about our timber products or need some advice on garden landscaping in general, our team is ready to take your call.
Get in touch with us on 01483 486 739 or send an e-mail to and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.